Ending Suicide Starts Now

I have a very vivid memory of an introductory psychology class that has stuck around with me. We were discussing the biological basis for human behavior, specifically our innate motivation for self-preservation. The theory makes sense, we demonstrate this critical survival phenomenon in our early moments of life (something is hot, we quickly pull away). Then, our professor asked us, With this idea in mind, do you believe a human being would knowingly drink poison?

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Humans in the Workplace

Until robots take over the world and human beings are literally out of the workplace, companies will need to do a far better job of addressing the human aspect of their workforce.

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Era of Heroes

A slew of superheroes and villains continue to carve their way through cinema and television.  In this time of exciting banter and caped crusaders it’s easy to write these films off as childish or derivative but this may actually be the healthiest response to our current environment. 

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Responding to Sexual Assault in the Industry

Bill Cosby, Donald Trump, and Harvey Weinstein walk into a bar. Nope, this is not a set-up to a hilarious joke, it’s a nightmare. As sexual assault allegations and hopefully the subsequent cases are made public we are brought painfully aware of a reality that continues to marginalize and minimize its victims.

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Workplace, MediaAlexis Moreno, PsyD, MS, MASexual Assault, sexual assault, Hollywood, Media, media, Film, film, News, news, Reporting, reporting, How to, how to, how to respond, how to report, Bill Cosby, Donald Trump, Harvey Weinstein, Cosby, Trump, Weinstein, Sexual Harassment, sexual harassment, rape, Rape, Sexual Abuse, sexual abuse, Sex, sex, Entertainment Industry, entertainment industry, Acting, acting, actor, Actor, Actresses, actresses, Workplace, workplace, Sexism, sexism, Safety, safety, Los Angeles, LA, Gender Inequality, gender inequality, Victim, victim, Victimization, victimization, Perpetrator, perpetrator, Celebrity, celebrity, Celebrities, celebrities, Dos, Don'ts, dos, don'ts, do not, Do Not, Fame, fame, Violence, violence, Sexual Violence, sexual violence, Jerry Seinfeld, Seinfeld, The Late Show, Late Show, Stephen Colbert, Colbert, George Clooney, Clooney, Matt Damon, Damon, Good Morning America, GMA, Michael Strahan, Strahan, Suburbicon, relationship, mentor, coworker, boss, supervisor, producer, director, comedy, comedian, art, sensitive topic, sensitive topics, trauma, Trauma, PTSD, acute stress, role model, How to respond to, how to respond to, How to report on, how to report on, How to handle, how to handle, psychology consultant, Psychology Consultant, Mental Health, mental health, consult, media psychologist, Media Psychologist, Consultant, Prevention, prevention, Allegations, allegation, allegations, Psychologist, psychologist, Help, help, therapy, psychotherapy, Tips, tips, coaching, Coaching, executive coaching, workplace safety, risk management, workplace morale, social environment, community, societyComment